How You Can Utilize Mindfulness in the Workplace image

How You Can Utilize Mindfulness in the Workplace

26 July 2020

The workplace is a source of stress and anxiety for nearly everyone sitting around you. In fact, a workplace survey showed that nearly 94 percent of workers report stress at their workplace. So, if you don’t feel a constant state of tension, then you’re in a stark minority.

Learn how to reduce stress and remain focused can help you to be successful even during difficult times. Meditation and mindfulness are skills that can help you boost focus, compassion, energy, and productivity. Here’s how you can utilize mindfulness and meditation in the workplace.

What are mindfulness and meditation?

Mindfulness is a simple practice in which you pay attention to the present moment in an accepting and nonjudgmental way. When you do this, you reduce stress. Meditation is a way that you can train your mind. It brings you back to the present moment and provides you the tools to be calmer, kinder, and less stressed.

When you become stressed, it’s easy to become frazzled and frantic. This can interrupt your productivity and make it harder to collaborate. Learning mindfulness and meditation builds up skills that make you an impactful member of your workplace.

What are the benefits of meditation?

  • Reduced stress. Mediation helps regulate emotions and become more comfortable with unpleasant thoughts that occur during challenging situations. When you know how to process your emotions, you can react calmly, thoughtfully, and empathetically. This is particularly valuable in the workplace when you work with others and certain situations may not go your way.
  • Increased focus and productivity. Completing just one 15-minute session of meditation can result in 22 percent less mind-wandering when working. When you meditate regularly over four weeks, you can have a 14 percent increase in focus. Additional focus and productivity in the workplace are huge benefits of implementing mindfulness and meditation.
  • Improved job satisfaction. If you’re struggling with job satisfaction or engagement, mindfulness has been shown to have a positive correlation with both of these. Ultimately, this makes sense. When you have lower stress and an increased emotional balance, why wouldn’t you like your job more?

How do I bring mindfulness into the office?

If you’ve never done it before, it may feel weird to think about meditating or being mindful at work. Here are some tips you can use to integrate this into your work routine.

Schedule time for meditation

A lot of us won’t do something unless it makes its way onto our work calendar. So, get it on there and stick to it. Try and block off time every single day at the same time of day. Your brain will come to expect it and welcome the time to reflect and refocus.

If you’re struggling when to pick a time, it’s often best to block off time in the beginning of your day. This way, if you have to reschedule or something comes up, you’ll have time to do so and it doesn’t get scrapped altogether.

Find a quiet place

The office can be hectic and listening to people walk up and down the hallway isn’t always relaxing. Seek out somewhere away from all the hustle and bustle. Look for an empty conference room, a windowless office, a nearby park, your car, or somewhere else you know you’ll be able to reset.

Eliminate distractions

Technology is full of distractions. At work, you’re likely on your phone or computer almost constantly. However, in most professions, you’re able to take a short break (10-15 minutes) without there being huge consequences. If this increases stress, think about this as an investment in your health and well-being. Doing this will only make you more productive and better at your job. You can take a break for 10 minutes!

Find something that works for you

It can be hard to step back and let meditation work for you. It may not feel natural at first, or you may need to find a few different locations before you’re entirely comfortable. Whatever works for you, be sure to keep at it. Just like you’re supposed to exercise your body daily, you should also exercise your mind. Engaging in mindfulness allows you to train your attention and hone your skills. You bring yourself back to the present moment repeatedly and that will serve you well into the future.

Final thoughts

The ultimate goal of mindfulness and meditation isn’t to empty or mind or stop thinking entirely. Rather, it is to pay close attention to your physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts to see them more clearly. Its proven effects can help workers everywhere. Give it a try!